Friday, February 12, 2010

By the Pound

We really enjoy this place. You pick a plate and pick out whatever food you want, meat, vegetables, fried food, whatever and they charge you by the pound...or not really by the pound, its more like they look at the plate from a couple different angles, then say a price.

I think maybe we should nickname it "by the mood" in stead of charge "by the pound" because they don't even weigh it, they just look and charge what the feel is right, haha.

These are the different vegetables.

All the meats.

Fried fish and chicken

This is my favorite vegetable in Taiwan, eggplant...I think it is steamed.
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1 comment:

  1. Soo good!! I love the eggplant! Nice work on all the photos of seafood and food, nice to see.
